Buying guide

1,Website Ordering:

  • Enter the “quantity to purchase” and click “add to cart” (please select product options, such as color or packaging).
  • You can also save products that you are interested in by adding them to “my favorites.”
  • After you have finished selecting products, the “shopping cart overview” will calculate the total amount of your purchase.
  • Please check that the information is correct, and then click “checkout” to complete your purchase.
  • Please confirm the delivery address and contact phone number.
  • If you have any other requests, please fill in the “order notes.”


2, EMAIL 或 Whatsapp 查詢


3, 付款

  • 以 『轉數快』或 Paypal 結帳 (*)。
  • 您將收到確認 E-MAIL。
  • 我們會盡快與您聯絡,安排送貨。


4, 送貨

  • 送貨點只限本港範圍(運費自付)。
  • 由收到訂金起計至送貨大約三星期,我們將盡快將貨品準備妥當。
  • 如有特別需要,請與我們 💬Whatsapp查詢 或電郵



  • EC-BEAUTY 可提供包裝服務。
  • 如自取貨品,請與我們協議方便的交收地點及時間。
  • 可安排香港郵遞 或 速遞,並由買方另付速遞費。
  • 使用 Paypal 付款 會收取 5% 手績費



Whatsapp 查詢
